家族についての会話質問集 Let’s talk about family! 今日もたくさん繰り返して喋る練習をしてください。

英語質問集Talk & Talk

*How many people are there in your family? Who are they?                 *Do you have any brothers or sisters?                           *How many grandparents have you got? How often do you see them?           *What does your family usually do on Sundays? *Who is the oldest in your family? Who is the youngest? *Do you wish if you were an only child in your family? The youngest? The oldest? *How many cousins do you have? What do you do when you see them? *Do you have any great-grandparents? If, so, how old are they? *Do you have any family living or working abroad? *Pick a family member. Describe looks(=outside) and character(=inside). *Does your family eat meals together? What else do you do together? *Who does the housework in your family? (e.g. cooking, cleaning, washing) *Talk about the relative you like most. Say why you like him or her. *Would you live with your parents after getting married? Why or why not? *Are there any rules in your family? What are they? Do you think they are fair? *If you could change one family rule, which would it be? *What do your parents look like? Do you take after them(=look like them)? *Is family important to you? Explain why. *Do you ever hold a family reunion? If so, what happens there? *Use one words to describe your family. *What is your most favorite family activity? What is your most favorite family vacation? *If you could give your parents one tip on how to be a better parent, what would it be? *If you could change lives with any relatives for one day, who would it be? *Which TV family is most like your own? *What makes your family special? *Are you from a nuclear family or an extended family? What are pros and cons of each? *How important is your family to you? *Do you know your family tree? *How has the family changed over the last 100 years? *Is it important to have a good family? Is it important to have a rich family? *What do you think of the British Royal Family? *Who is the most important person in atypical family? *Do you think children should look after their parents when they are old? *When should children move out of the family home? *Is it a good idea for grandparents to live with the rest of the family? *How many children is the right number of children? *Should parents be allowed to hit their children? *What will the family of the future look like? *Is it a good idea to adopt children instead of having your own? *What is the perfect age to get married? *Should a couple be married before they have children?  *Do you look more like mother or father? *In your family, whose personality is the most like yours? *Do you have the ideal family? *Is there a black sheep in your family? *Is “blood thicker than water” regarding your family? *Do you prefer the idea of extended or nuclear families? *There is much talk recently of increased social problems due to family breakdown. Is this true in your country? *When do you need your family most? *What would be the world be like without families? *Do you ever get tired of family duties?


