ショッピングについての会話質問集 Let’s talk about shopping!お買い物は誰だって大好きですよね。この質問集は自分が時に買いすぎ、無駄使いをしている・・・とかの反省ができるかも…。すぐに答えられるように繰り返して練習しましょう。

英語質問集Talk & Talk


*Do you enjoy shopping? How often do you go shopping? *What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Where did you buy it? *What was the last thing you bought for someone else? Why did you buy it? *Can you name a few supermarkets? Which do you like best? Why? *Do you like to go shopping alone or with friends? Why? *What is your favorite place to shop?Why? *Do you compare prices at different stores when you go shopping? *What’s the best place to buy computers and electronics? Why? *Who does the shopping in your family?(=buy household items) *How do you usually pay when you buy somethings? *Cash, ATM card or credit card, which is the easiest? The most dangerous? Why? *How important is customer service when you are shopping? *Are brand names important to you? Why or why not? *Small local shops or big supermarkets, which do you prefer? Why? *Have you been to a flea market? *Did you ever buy something that was very expensive? *Talk about a store you love. *What is something stupid you bought? *What is a good thing that happened when you were shopping? *What is something bad that happened when you were shopping? *Tell about a time you got “ripped out”(got a bad deal). *Talk about a store you liked when you were a child. *What is something you want to buy someday. *Which is more important, price or a quality? *Is shopping painful or is it a pleasure? *Do you remember shopping with your parents as a child? Di you enjoy it? *What do you spend most of your money on? *Have you ever bought something that you have never used?

