食べ物についての会話質問集 Let’s talk about food

英語質問集Talk & Talk


*What is your favorite food? How often do you eat it? *Describe an everyday meal from your country and how to prepare it. *Can you give some examples of fast food(junk food)? *How often do you eat fast food? What do people usually eat on a special holiday? *If you visited a country where people ate snake or dog, would you try it? *What is the strangest food you have ever eaten? *Have you ever eaten insects or snails? Would you like to try them? *How often do you eat in a restaurant? What’s your favorite restaurant? Why? *When did you last go to a nice restaurant? *Who do you usually go with when you eat out? Who pays the bill?*Which country do you think has the best food? *What food do you refuse to eat? What are the most popular dishes in your country? Can you cook? What is the last dish you cooked? *Is there a pet in your family? What does it eat? *What did you eat for breakfast today? What are you going to eat for dinner? *Do you eat fast or slowly? About how many minutes it takes you to eat your meals? *How many meals do you eat a day? *Which meal is your favorite? Why? *Where do you usually go when you eat out? Why? How often do you eat out? What kinds of foods do you like eating(salty, spicy, oily, healthy, unhealthy., etc)? Have you ever ordered food on the phone? With whom do you usually eat dinner? How often do you eat bread? *Is waiter/ waitress job easy? Why? What are this job requirements? Do you ever leave a tip at a restaurant? How much? And why? *Eating with chopsticks, spoon, knife and fork, or hands, which one is the best? Why? *What food do you cook most often? What food do you eat the most often? Who do you call a vegetarian?*What food do you wish were vanished from the earth? *What’s the best thing you can cook? *What is your favorite breakfast? Are you fussy or particular about the food you eat? Have your favorite favourite kinds of foods changed over the years? What do you think about food additives? Do you care where the food eat come from?Do you like fats food slow food? What national dishes from your country would you recommend to the world? Do you worry about the rising cost of food? Do you think the world’s food ever run out? What do you think of genetically-modified(GM) ffod? *Is your food bill big? *What kinds of international cuisine do you like? What do you think about canned, frozen and processed food? Do you think you are what you eat? Do you think your country’s food is the best? Can you go without food for a whole day? Can you eat anything? What comes to mind when you hear the word “food”?

