英語質問集 travelling旅行について

英語質問集Talk & Talk

今回の質問集のトピックは旅行です。クラスでも特に皆が盛り上がる話題ではないでしょうか。英語の上達には近道はありません。何回も繰り返して練習しましょう。                *Do you like holidays? Why/ Why not?                          *How far in advance do you plan your holidays? *When do you usually go on holiday? *How do you prepare for your holidays? *How do you spend your time on summer holidays? *What are your favorite holiday activities? *Do you prefer going on holidays with a travel agency or make your own arrangements? *Are you afraid of going abroad alone? *What was your best trip? *What was your worst trip? *Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? *Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane, car or ship? *Have you ever been in a difficult situation while travelling? *Have you ever been to a foreign country? How many countries have you visited? *Where do you usually go on holiday? How do you usually travel? *What is your favorite holiday destination? Why? Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? *Do you ever go camping? *Where do you usually stay when you are on holiday?(e.g. hotel, resort, camping, family) *Have you ever gotten lost while travelling? If so, tell about it. *Where did you spend your last holiday? *What countries would you like to visit? Why? *Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why? *Do you prefer hot countries or cool countries you go on holidays? *Who makes the decisions when your family decides to go on holiday? *If you could choose one place to go this weekend, where would it be? *Has the airline ever lost your baggage? What happened? *What’s the best plane you have ever flown on? *Have you ever missed a flight? How did it happen? *What is the longest flight you have ever been on? *What do you usually do on the plane? *Do you usually like air plane food? *Have you ever had a bad experience with border guards? *What do you usually take with you in hand luggage? *Do you usually buy things in duty free? *On a flight which seat do you prefer window or aisle? *Which airline do you like? Which ones don’t you like? *What is your favorite air port? *When you are travelling, do you try to speak the local language? *Who do you usually travel with? How often do you go on holiday? *What are the most popular tourist attractions in your country? *Which museums have you visited? Which did you enjoy most? Why? *What are the benefits of tourism for a country? *What are possible disadvantages of tourism for a country? Explain. *What kinds of jobs are there in the tourism industry? Would you like to do one? *What makes a good tour guide? Explain. *Which countries are the most popular destinations? *Have you taken a long distance bus? How many hours were you on the bus? *What kind of holidays is the most popular in your country? *Do you usually go to the same place every year? *Do you prefer going abroad or staying in your own country? *How many photos do you usually take on holidays? *What time do you usually get up and go to bed on holidays? *Do you remember any funny moments on your holidays? *Where will you go for your next holiday?

